[最新剧集] [BT下载][克里斯托弗·哥伦布:迷你剧 Christopher Columbus 第一季][全05集][英语无字][MKV][1080P][片源

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◎片  名 克里斯托弗·哥伦布:迷你剧 Christopher Columbus: The Miniseries
◎年  代 1985
◎产  地   英国
◎类  别 纪录
◎语  言 英语
◎主  演 

He searched for the East by sailing West. And came upon a new World. Five-hundred years ago, an Italian seaman stepped upon history's stage with a daring plan for reaching the fabled Cathay described by Marco Polo. On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail under the Spanish flag in three small but sturdy ships. This riveting epic from legendary Italian filmmaker Alberto Lattuada tells the fantastic life story of Diego de Geona Taino – later known as Christopher Columbus – beginning with his early years in Genoa, Italy, his young adult years around 1450 to his history-making journeys financed by the monarchy of Spain until his death in 1506. He was an expert in sailing and navigation, and in 1492 he then received funds from the Spanish royal house for an expedition into the unknown western waters to find Asia. A dangerous journey that no one had ever dared to undertake. Columbus did it, but instead of Asia he discovered "a new world" of modern day West Indies and South America, and a whole new continent: America. It was in Lisbon that the young Christopher conceived the unusual idea of sailing westward to find a new and shorter route to the rich countries of India, China, and Japan - a plan that was eventually carried out thanks to the support of the Spanish Court of Queen Isabella. The three caravels Pinta, Nina and Santa Maria set sail together in 1492 and discovered the American continent after a painful journey. Although Columbus did not bring back great wealth on his first voyage, he was hailed as a hero. He continued his voyages of exploration until the end of his life, bravely facing the elements at sea, resistance from natives on land, envy and adversity in his adopted homeland. He returned from his last trip in 1504 in his 50's as a tired, ailing man whose dreams of exploration and discovery passed onto his son and other followers, two years before his death in 1506 surrounded by his sons. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS is the feature-film story of that breakthrough voyage and of subsequent trips Columbus made to the New World. Historically exact and filmed in Spain. Malta and the Dominican Republic with a cast of international stars, it recounts the world-changing tale of the explorer's desperate quest for funding, of near mutiny and sudden discovery, of pillage and warfare, of triumph and treachery. Filmed on original locations and with a magnificent Gabriel Byrne in the title role, this glorious adventure series, produced with great effort, impresses above all with its attention to detail and its picturesque costumes and sets. Gabriel Byrne (Miller's Crossing) plays Columbus, bringing to screen life the explorer's vision and courage. Award-winning actors Oliver Reed, Faye Dunaway, Eli Wallach, Helmut Berger and Max von Sydow co-star in this vivid look at the life and times of the man whose name is known the world over. The Italian-American four-part series with an all-star cast and excellent direction won the hearts of television viewers around the world and received two nominations for the prestigious Emmy Award in 1985. Directed by Alberto Lattuada ; A RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana and Clesi Cinematografica Production In Association with Antenne 2, Bavaria Atelier and Lorimar
他向西航行,寻找东方。并来到了一个新世界。五百年前,一位意大利海员带着一个大胆的计划登上了历史舞台,计划到达马可波罗描述的传说中的华夏。 1492 年 8 月 3 日,克里斯托弗·哥伦布 (Christopher Columbus) 乘坐三艘小而坚固的船只,在西班牙国旗下起航。这部引人入胜的史诗片由意大利传奇电影制作人阿尔贝托·拉图阿达 (Alberto Lattuada) 执导,讲述了迭戈·德吉奥纳·泰诺 (Diego de Geona Taino)(后来被称为克里斯托弗·哥伦布)的精彩人生故事,从他在意大利热那亚的早年生活开始,到 1450 年左右的青年时期,一直到他在他一直统治着西班牙君主政体,直到 1506 年去世。他是一位航海专家,1492 年他收到西班牙王室的资助,前往未知的西部海域探险,寻找亚洲。这是一场从未有人敢于踏上的危险旅程。哥伦布做到了,但他发现的不是亚洲,而是现代西印度群岛和南美洲的“新世界”,以及一个全新的大陆:美洲。正是在里斯本,年轻的克里斯托弗萌生了向西航行的不同寻常的想法,寻找一条通往印度、中国和日本等富裕国家的新的、更短的航线——这一计划最终在西班牙法院的支持下得以实施。伊莎贝拉女王。 1492年,三艘轻快帆船平塔(Pinta)、尼娜(Nina)和圣玛丽亚(Santa Maria)一起起航,经过痛苦的旅程后发现了美洲大陆。尽管哥伦布第一次航行并没有带回巨额财富,但他被誉为英雄。他继续他的探索之旅,直到生命的最后一刻,勇敢地面对海上的风雨、陆地上当地人的反抗、祖国的嫉妒和逆境。 1504 年,他 50 多岁,疲惫不堪,体弱多病,最后一次旅行归来,他的探索和发现梦想传给了他的儿子和其他追随者,两年前,他于 1506 年在儿子们的陪伴下去世。 《克里斯托弗·哥伦布》讲述了哥伦布那次突破性航行以及随后前往新大陆的旅程的故事片。历史准确并在西班牙拍摄。它讲述了马耳他和多米尼加共和国以及众多国际明星的改变世界的故事,讲述了探险家拼命寻求资金、近乎叛变和突然发现、掠夺和战争、胜利和背叛的故事。这部辉煌的冒险系列片在原始地点拍摄,并由出色的加布里埃尔·伯恩担任主角,经过巨大努力制作,最重要的是其对细节的关注以及风景如画的服装和布景给人留下了深刻的印象。加布里埃尔·伯恩(《米勒十字路口》)饰演哥伦布,将这位探险家的远见和勇气搬上银幕。获奖演员奥利弗·里德、费·唐纳薇、伊莱·瓦拉赫、赫尔穆特·伯杰和马克斯·冯·西多在这部影片中联袂主演,生动地展现了这位举世闻名的人物的生活和时代。这部意大利裔美国人的四集剧集凭借全明星阵容和出色的导演赢得了世界各地电视观众的喜爱,并于 1985 年获得了两项著名的艾美奖提名。 阿尔贝托·拉图阿达 (Alberto Lattuada) 执导; RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana 和 Clesi Cinematografica 与 Antenne 2、Bavaria Atelier 和 Lorimar 联合制作


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