接化发 发表于 2024-2-1 13:42:15










The first one... ...of course, not easily forgotten,was
kind of nice.

Two: hairy back.

Six was on my birthdayin my parents' room.
Which birthday?- 17th.

Nine: against a fence.Very uncomfortable. Don't try it.

Ten was gorgeous.Just heaven, just...

I hate him..

Twelve through seventeen:the university years.

Eighteen broke my heart. Years of yearning.

Twenty... Oh, my God, I can't believe I've reached 20.

Twenty-one: elephant tongue.
Twenty-two kept falling asleep.That was my first year in

Twenty-three and 24 together.


Twenty-seven.Now that was a mistake.

But Spencer changed my mind.That's 28.

His father, 29.


Thirty-two was lovely.
And then my fiance. That's 33.




Im coming!!!!


页: [1]
查看完整版本: 【情天性海】(第七章:《四个婚礼与一个葬礼》)